Devopsdays Positives
by Mike
I prefer to get the negatives out of the way first (You can find them in the previous post) since it is these we can learn so much from (and turn them into positives in the process)
The positives however… Wow! This event had so many!
- The people (so many people with so much to share - and willing to do so!)
- The energy (If DevOps is primarily about culture then I think we are certainly winning. People were willing to go out of their way to help each other)
- The venue (stairs aren't bad leg friendly, but who cares, the hall and breakout rooms worked. The refreshment area was 'cozy' but that just forced people closer together and they started talking)
- The evening event (I really wasn't feeling great at the start - little sleep and aching a bit - but everyone was so friendly... Especially the CFEngine guys and the Norwegians I got drunk with)
- The speakers (So much worthwhile information, I look forward to watching some of you again when the videos are live on Vimeo in the next few days (Patrick has sliced them and no just needs to upload... so shouldn't be long.))
If there is anything I have forgotten, please comment or point it out on twitter/email.