by Mike
I needed a function to convert dates to their Roman numeric equivalents. The rules are pretty easy to understand so I thought I’d knock up a function.
function numerals($num) { //You are free to use this function under a BSD license //essentially cost free, no code taint, //but you must leave my copyright in. //(c)MMXI Mike Preston $out=''; while ($num > 0) { if ($num >= 1000) { $out.='M'; $num=$num - 1000; } else if ($num >= 900) { $out.='CM'; $num=$num - 900; } else if ($num >= 500) { $out.='D'; $num=$num - 500; } else if ($num >= 400) { $out.='CD'; $num=$num - 400; } else if ($num >= 100) { $out.='C'; $num=$num - 100; } else if ($num >= 90) { $out.='XC'; $num=$num - 90; } else if ($num >= 50) { $out.='L'; $num=$num - 50; } else if ($num >= 40) { $out.='XL'; $num=$num - 40; } else if ($num >= 10) { $out.='X'; $num=$num - 10; } else if ($num >= 9) { $out.='IX'; $num=$num - 9; } else if ($num >= 5) { $out.='V'; $num=$num - 5; } else if ($num >= 4) { $out.='IV'; $num=$num - 4; } else { $out.='I'; $num=$num - 1; } } return $out; }
Test Code
echo "<pre>Test Start\n"; echo numerals(1) . " - 1\n"; echo numerals(4) . " - 4\n"; echo numerals(5) . " - 5\n"; echo numerals(9) . " - 9\n"; echo numerals(10) . " - 10\n"; echo numerals(40) . " - 40\n"; echo numerals(50) . " - 50\n"; echo numerals(90) . " - 90\n"; echo numerals(100) . " - 100\n"; echo numerals(400) . " - 400\n"; echo numerals(500) . " - 500\n"; echo numerals(900) . " - 900\n"; echo numerals(1000) . " - 1000\n"; echo numerals(2000) . " - 2000\n"; echo numerals(1999) . " - 1999\n"; echo numerals(2001) . " - 2001\n"; echo numerals(2010) . " - 2010\n"; echo numerals(2011) . " - 2011\n"; echo "Test End\n"; ?>tags: